Brief history of the settlement of Red Bluff, California, including the arrivals of William Myers in 1850 and E.G. Reed in 1852. Includes testimony regarding land, early settlement, and building construction in Red Bluff from Reed and J.G. Doll. Also contains excerpts from a series of court briefs relating to land disputes, including the following : 1) Brief by O.C. Pratt in the case of J.G. Doll vs. Meador, California Supreme Court, January 1860; 2) Brief by George Cadwallader in J.G. Doll appeal of J. Granville Doll vs. Citizens of Red Bluff, March 31, 1864; and 3) Brief by George Cadwallader before Interior Department, December 15, 1862. This is followed by testimony regarding land and settlement in Red Bluff by Myers, Reed, Doll, L.H. Sanborn, A.H. Stout, Stephen Brearcliffe, S.M. Bishop, and County Judge Newell Hall of Tehama County.